Hi, I’m Jessa

My name is Jessa McKinnis Gosdin. I am a First-Generation college graduate and the first in my family line to get a master's degree. I have 13+ years of experience in management and leadership in retail and higher education. My hobbies include reading and hanging out with my husband. My favorite way to get active and be social is by going to salsa/bachata social dances and taking classes with the Salsa With Jo group in Denton, Texas.

Drop a message here or visit my Instagram, I can’t wait to hear all about your story. Keep reading on to learn more about how JMC.

“I really like your teaching style”

— CC the Great

About JMC

Jessa McKinnis Consulting was born from a little voice inside of me and a dream that began early in my career. As a First-Generation Latina navigating college and the career landscape, I had people in my corner who took the time to invest in my growth and development. I want to pay that forward and be that person for you so you can move through college, business, and life a little bit easier. I can give you an edge and help you be as successful as you want to be.

I used this approach to earn a Bachelor of Arts from Texas State University and a Master of Education from the University of North Texas. I am now a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and can pass on this approach to you to show you how to do the same rather than wasting time and resources trying to fix weaknesses.

Focusing on your strengths will help you become better overall. Instead of just fixing a few items to keep you meeting expectations, a Strengths-Based Approach will help you to grow and thrive beyond simply maintaining productivity.


Through a strengths based approach, I help leaders, individual contributors, and teams engage in effective communication. I provide 1:1 coaching for leaders to help them develop their own personal style of leadership so they can effectively manage their team. This includes on-boarding and off-boarding, planning training, holding their teams accountable, and planning events. Everyone has strengths and when those strengths are aimed in a positive direction, leaders can be very effective and even great.

I provide 1:1 coaching for Individual Contributors so they can learn about themselves. This includes learning about their personal strengths and how to use them to be successful in their current role and helping them prepare for their next position. In their current role this includes effectively communicating with their manager. For their next role I help them articulate their strengths and prepare a resume. Leading doesn’t always mean holding a position. Everyone has strengths to be cherished and honored.

I help teams develop their communication among each other by understanding and maximizing each others strengths, setting expectations, and improving processes from start to finish. Everyone has strengths, and being a team means understanding how to use them to work better together.