Jessa McKinnis Consulting

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Next Level Cosmo Camp 4 Kids

My first Salseando! Experience was done for a group of about 30 young women, all middle school aged. They were part of the Next Level Cosmo Camp 4 Kids, run by CC The Great. CC the Great started the camp a few years ago as a summer camp and as a camp that works in the Fort Worth ISD.

Photo of Jessa McKinnis and Jairo Rojas while presenting.

I had the pleasure of working with Jairo and Johan of Salsa With Jo. Jairo assisted me as my Lead and Johan made magic happen with music and photos. Thank you, both so much!

These girls are incredible, they are learning an incredibly valuable skill, cosmetology, in a fun, safe, and engaging way. They’ve also had a self-defense class, multiple financial literacy classes and then a Salsa based leadership class. That’s where I come in.

I was able to teach them a little bit of salsa, some Follow paradigms, and finally Leadership paradigms. I was also blessed to be able to go over what to look for when they eventually go on different college campus tours. When I asked them where they wanted to go to college, there were some big schools in their answers. I know they’ll be able to reach those goals- they’re off to a great start!

Photo of Jessa and Jairo in a cuddle to showcase communication on the dance floor.

I know there were camps when I was younger, lots of sports options. This was fantastic! I had zero financial literacy classes when I was younger, I didn’t learn those skills until much later. I also didn’t know where I wanted to go to college while I was in middle school. These girls are incredible!

Dream big, sweet girls; little cosmo bosses. You will rule the world. I can’t wait to see how you change it. They can never take away your education and everything you accomplish. Proud of you. So much.